Bible Study – The Great Book of Romans (chapter 8)

This is a terrific Bible study in Romans that Pastor Mark gave a while back.

It’s one of my favorites, and I never tire of listening to it.  ‘Let’s start with death…and then go on from there’.

( you don’t hear that too often in your local non-denominational/Baptist/Calvinist/Pentecostal church on the corner…and they are ripping you off by not starting with your impending death, and the death that you died in Baptism )


Anywho…give it a listen, and then feel free to make comments…or yell at me…or whatever you want.  Just keep it clean  😀


click here > The Great Book of Romans (chapter 8)




Thanks, Pastor Mark!

And thanks to flickr and kfergos, for the photo.







Bible study

Bible teach bk. by otto be in pictures


Here’s section one of this study on how to read the Bible with understanding and other relevant themes. I’ll put up more of it fairly soon. This Bible study audio has a total of 23 tracks.

The sound quality is not great because we blah blah blah, yada yada yada… (who cares why?) … but it is good enough.


Total running time for these 9 tracks is around 30 minutes.

Bible study 1                              Bible study 7

Bible study 2                              Bible study 8

Bible study 3                              Bible study 9

Bible study 4                             

Bible study 5

Bible study 6






Do you really expect me to believe this stuff…

from the Bible?  Befuddled by Motorcycle Girl


Ah…yes I do…

                                  … by God’s grace. 


A few more for your edification:

Track 19 R&G

Track 20 R&G

Track 21 R&G

Track 22 R&G

Track 23 R&G

Track 24 R&G

Track 25 R&G 

entire class on one mp3 click here>     R&G – complete class

Is there anything in here that is new to you?

Is there anything in here that you’d love to share with another Christian, or non-Christian?

Is there anything that you think is just flat out wrong?





Thanks to flickr and Motorcycle Girl for the photo.




Class on Galatians and Christian Freedom

Lecture Hall by uniinnsbruck


We’ll learn in this class why Luther changed his

name… and other good stuff.


click here > Galatians Bible Study


There will be a pop-quiz (as soon as we can find Pop).




Pastor’s class tidbits

Well, I thought I had it down (this audio thing)…but I don’t.

Click on these things and see what happens.

 I’m sure there is something here you can use. 

Track  8  is my favorite here.   How’s ’bout you?

Number 8 by Devon Henderson

  05 Track 5  

 06 Track 6

 07 Track 7 

 08 Track 8

10 Track 10



Christians who want to keep God’s Law for righteousness sake…

St. Paul goes to great lengths in his letter to the Galatian Christians to distinguish between law keeping and faith in Jesus.

He talks about the freedom from the law that Christ has given to us with respect to pleasing God.

Listen in on Pastor Mark Anderson from Lutheran Church of the Master, Corona del Mar  CA,  as he upacks the scriptures in the book of Galatians with respect to the vital question, Why did Christ die for me ?”     

click here for Bible study  -> for freedom Jesus has set us free 


… and some more ->part 2 of bible study

Your opinions (except Brent’s) are appreciated!  Thanks!

Why did Christ die for us?

What was the purpose of Jesus’ dying and being raised to forgive our sins? In other words, by forgiving our sins what was Jesus’ goal?

St. Paul ansewrs this question and he answers it quite directly.Open Bible

Join Pastor Mark Anderson as he unpacks the scriptures surrounding this question by looking at some verses in Romans and Galatians.

It’s only about a half an hour and I believe you will really enjoy this abbreviated version of the class.

   click here to listen to the Class  

Did you think Pastor Mark’s class answered the appropriate questions, or did it leave things a bit fuzzy with respect to the main question at hand?