9 Things that Everybody Should ‘Give Up’ for Lent

May God grant us the wisdom to know ourselves; the courage to admit our sins; and the grace to receive God’s never failing mercy and forgiveness.”



1) COMPLAINING  –  there is much to be thankful for.


2) WORRY – there are things to be concerned about, but nothing to worry about.


3) DISCOURAGEMENT – God is for you, not against you.


4) BITTERNESS – it’s like poisoning yourself. How smart is that?


5) HATRED – forgive and watch your future come alive!


6) GOSSIPING – speak well of your neighbor, you might just see him/her return the favor. 


7) BLAMING – be part of the solution, not the problem.


8) STAYING AWAY FROM CHURCH – provide your family with a firm foundation of faith, learn about the message of God’s love from the Bible and share problems, make friends, and be renewed in hope and thank God for another week of life.  And it’s free!


…and the final thing to ‘Give Up’ during Lent? 


9) GIVING UP – hang in there!! Even with all it’s problems, life is a good and gracious gift!




by Pastor Mark Anderson of  Lutheran Church of the Master Corona del Mar, CA

     949 759-1031

