Free-will…or bound-will?

Romans class. Jutification by faith, apart from the law.


Listen in > Start with freedom…and you’ll end in bondage



Thanks, Pastor Mark.

Thanks to flickr and Mike Heywood, for the photo.


I have nothing to do with the ads that WordPress puts on this blog. I cannot even see them and have no idea what they are.

– Steve Martin



There is NO escape. (Romans class)

Try this one on for size:

click > Attempting to escape the wrath of God



Thanks, Pastor Mark.

Thanks to flickr and trincheta, for the photo of Harry Houdini.


Attempting to escape the wrath of God

Pastor Mark  finishes up the first major section of Romans (the old eon).

If anyone thinks that Paul will soften his view of mankind and what he has wrought through his/her willful disobedience to God, then you have another thing coming. If this view does not paint you into the corner…then…well…God help you.



 I tried to fix the recording…but I only made it worse. (kind of like when we focus on our obedience to God)

Anyway, I try again when I get some time. Hopefully within a day or two. Sorry about that.


Thank you, Pastor Mark.

And thanks also to flickr and to Hawaiin Sea, for the photo of the cryogenic capsules.


Romans 1:18 – 3:20 ‘The Wrath of God’


OK…put your water wings on if you need them…we’re in the deep end now.

Take the plunge…the water is fine.


click > Romans 2012 – ‘The Wrath of God’




Thank you, Pastor Mark.


And thanks to flickr and Gadgit, for the photo.






Romans 2012 class #3

What happened to class #2?  We did record it but the dorky sound guy (me) messed something up so that it cannot be transferred from the CD.  Pastor Mark does recap that class at the start of this class (#3), so you won’t be missing too much.

We’re starting to move into a bit deeper water now, so grab your Bible and enjoy the class.


 click > Romans 2012 class #3




Thank you, Pastor Mark.

And thanks also to Pastor Mark, for the photo of the Temple of Vesta in the Roman Forum. 





In-depth study of the book of Romans with Pastor Mark

We’ll be studying the book of Romans with Pastor Mark for several months.

 In these beginning verses, Paul establishes some very key points right from the git-go.

You might want to have a Bible in front of you, and maybe even a copy of a Greek New Testament, if you want to follow along as Pastor Mark highlights some key words and phrases in the original language.


click > Romans 2012 class #1




Thank you very much, Pastor Mark.

And thank you to flickr and armn_v, for the photo.





