From nothing…to something.




















Pastor Mark’s Easter sermon for 2014:


Listen > From nothing…to something




Thank you, Pastor Mark.


And thanks to, for the photo.














A Blessed and Joyous Easter to you



Thanks to flickr and martinlightinchrist, for the photo.


Easter 2012 Message


The tomb was sealed…but now the doors are open…for us.


click  Good Friday People become Easter Sunday People




Thanks, Pastor Mark.
And thanks to flickr and verbo 10, for the photo.

Happy Easter!

          No tomb could hold Him.

          No tomb will hold you.









Thanks to flickr and Sharon & Jerry Adkisson, for the photo.

Happy Easter!

I hope you all have a wonderful and joyous Easter!

Easter-EmptyTomb by Donut_Diva

Your friend and brother in Christ Jesus,


      – Steve

More Evangelical Lunacy

“Happy Resurrection Sunday!”


Every Sunday is Resurrection Sunday…is it not?  Every single day is resurrection Sunday, for the believer, is it not?

Why does Evangelicalism have to try and ruin everything?  Why do they feel the need to throw out a long treasured Christian celebration like Easter?

The next thing you know, they will be saying “Merry Incarnational Sunday” on Christmas morning.

He Lives!

No grave could hold Him.

And because of His grace and mercy for the ungodly…no grave will hold us either.

Have a wondeful Easter! 

All because of our Lord Jesus Christ!