Want to do something that really matters this Thanksgiving (or any other day)?


 _ _

       _   Here’s what you can do:


 > Want to do something that really matters?


Jesus tells us exactly what it is, in the 6th chapter of John. Pastor Mark  just echoes that and ties it to Thanksgiving.




Thanks, Pastor Mark.


And thanks to flickr and dlholt, for the photo.



“Jesus…Remember Me”



The Last Sunday of the Church Year.


What prospects do you have on your own?


Listen to this > Jesus…Remember Me




Thank you, Pastor Mark.


And thanks to flickr and Martin Beek, for the photo.







“Why Pray?”



               Some good thoughts on ‘prayer’ from the late Dr. Alvin Rogness:


“All sorts of reasons can be found for the futility of prayer.  Why pray to a God who already knows what we need?  He loves us, His children the world over, even when we ignore Him.  Certainly He cannot withhold His blessings until we remind Him or press Him.  There have been times when I have thought that He has told us to ask for all sorts of things, even trivial things, because He wants us to talk to Him.  After all, it would be strange for members of the family never to communicate at all with their father.  So I pray. I ask for health for myself and for my dear ones. I have along and assorted catalog—safety, security, guidance.  On a Sunday morning I join the prayers of the congregation: “defend thy church…give it pastors according to thy Spirit…preserve our nation in righteousness and honor…sanctify our home…comfort all who are in sorrow and need….” I assume that God wants all these values for us long before we ask for them.  I also assume that He will not, in some sort of pique, let these blessings lie in His celestial warehouse undelivered unless we ask for them.  Yet we pray.

There are other difficulties.  We pray for health, and health ebbs away.  We pray for safety, and a dear one is struck down in the streets.  We pray for the end of war, and wars grind on.  I dare not put limits on God.  What He may do or be able to do in the wake of my prayers… I leave to Him.

A friend of mine, more cautious than I, said, “Prayer does not change things; it changes you.”  Of course it changes me.  I am in God’s presence when I pray and am therefore exposed to Him and to the powers that surge from Him.  But I must disagree with my friend.  I believe that in some mysterious way prayer also changes things — maybe the chemistry of the body, the hearts of people I pray for, the turn of events, even the shape of history.  How this can be, I cannot know.  But God has invited me to pray; in fact ordered me to pray. He has assured me that I can dial Him direct, and the line will never be busy.

The more we pray, the more likely it is that we will spend more time thanking Him than requesting favors from Him.”





From Dr. Rogness’ daily devotional book, “The Word for Every Day


Jesus fills us in on ‘the future’.



“Pray for the sort of future that you’d like…but don’t count on it”:


Listen to> Jesus fills us in on the future




Thank you, Pastor Mark.


And thanks to flickr and RiserDog, for the photo.






We are all alike.



Pastor Patrick Thurmer makes his case, quite convincingly I might add:




You’ll have your pants pulled down….but you’ll chuckle a bit as it is happening. 

You’ll see what I mean.




Thanks, Pastor Pat.


And thanks to flickr and Michaela Nico, for the photo.







What did Haggai have to say about it?…Who?


Longing for the “good ol’ days”?

Me too.

You’d better listen to this Word:


 >>> What did Haggai have to say about it?


(There’s a couple of minutes of goofy sound quality in the middle …due to our aging and decrepit sound system…and our aging and decrepit sound operator (your’s truly). But it is more than adequate to kill you off…and raise you again.) 



Thanks, Pastor Mark.


Thanks also to flickr and alias archie, for the photo.



‘Baptism and The Lord’s Supper’- class is in session


Yes, Virginia, Christ is present in that tankard of beer.


Of course there are a few side topics…but it’s all related.


  class on > Baptism and The Lord’s Supper


“God is the ultimate tough lover.”

 That one by Pastor Mark, really stuck with me.





Thank you, Pastor Mark.


Thanks, also, to flickr and ndrwfgg, for the photo.



This sermon epitomizes the work that came out of the Reformation…


                          >  I believe that I cannot believe <


Many of you have heard this one before. So have I. I just listened to it twice while I handed out candy in front of my house. 

If you haven’t heard it before you are in for a real treat (no trick), courtesy of the Holy Spirit and Pastor Mark who boldly underlines that powerful Word.




Thank you, Pastor Mark.


And thanks to flickr and amras_de, for the photo.

