What’s new?

I’ve fallen a bit behind on some of the things I wanted to put up on this blog as of late. We recorded last Tues. evening’s ‘Life with God’ class that Pastor Mark is doing on Romans. The first part of the class recorded just fine, but the last half of the class had some very bad sound distortion. Why? Who knows. I’ll make an attempt to clean it up and possibly put up any of it that is salvagable. I’m in the process of moving, and with work and all I haven’t been able to devote as much time here as I like. But things should normalize within a couple of weeks.


There have been some really good posts put up lately at Pastor Mark’s blog, in case you haven’t been there in a  while http://www.lightofthemaster.com/apps/blog.


If any of you are in So. Cal. this weekend, you are invited to worship with us at 10 am on Sunday http://www.lightofthemaster.com/directions. Immediately following the worship service (May 20th, 2012) and before the start of the worship service for ‘Jesus’ Love Curch’, the Korean Lutheran congregation that shares our church building and campus with us, there will be a BBQ put on by both our congregations. The Koreans wll provide the main courses and LCM will provide the desserts, etc. It will be a lot of fun and LOTS of great food.




Thanks to flickr and ijinden, for the photo.







What title would you give this post?


H/T to ortho-Cuban


“God is like…really cool.”

We just get together, and we laugh and we cry and we talk about spiritual things and what we can do for the earth to make it a better place.post-hippie-church by alyourpal

Sometimes Mike palys the guitar and sings some Christian songs he’s written about how God makes him feel… and stuff like that.

Sometimes we read from the Bible as long as it is something uplifting and positive and that helps us in our life’s journey.

We always want to be supportive and allow everyone during the meeting (service) to speak their minds and tell people what is bothering them and how they are feeling at the time.

We do share communion. Sometimes Alice will bake cookies that we use instead of bread (the children like it better) and sometimes we will have orange juice or even natual goats milk from the Jim and Teresa’s farm.

Our community is so loving and it is so different than the outside world that we believe that God is at work among us to promote His goodness and tolerance for all people.

We never let people feel as though there is just one way to God because we believe that he wants everyone to believe in Him in whatever way they feel is right for them.

Our community is so open and accepting of everyone and so loving that we know that God is doing a great work.

We really have a very cool church.




There’s a blog site that I look at once in awhile that reminds me of the above.

Just blowin’ off steam…that’s all.




A few heads-up’s…

Sometimes I don’t get around to, or forget to go back to (old timers disease) a specific question that someone has asked me during a discussion.

Forgive me when that has happened. You can take it as a victory if we were debating, but please don’t take it as a slight, for my sometimes lack of focus is in no way intentional.

If you you ever want to make sure I get to something, please send me an e-mail at  sma9231961@aol.com . (The computer geek kid that came to fix my machine years ago stuck me with that one)

Pastor Bror Erickson is reading the Book of Mormon during Lent and makes some good observations on it in his daily posts on his blog over at Utah Lutheran.        


WayneDawg has a good video clip up on Dawg on the Lawn, from Voice of the Martyrs http://dawgonthelawn.blogspot.com/

There is a terrific sermon on Luther’s explanation of The Third Article of the Apsotle’s Creed up here http://lightofthemaster.com/Sermons/Entries/2008/3/4__The_Holy_Spirit.html   …that one is by Pastor Mark Anderson.

There are so many good things posted by you good folks here, that I don’t have time to highlight them all this morning. But don’t forget to check out the blogs in the blogroll and also click on the names in the comments of each post to take you to many other terrific sites.

Have a great day, and try and get a good word or two in for Christ Jesus somewhere along the way if you can!