“The Word is near you; it is in your mouth and on your heart…”

Romans 10:8


“The Word is near you; it is in your mouth and on your heart…”




From  Pastor Mark Anderson’s Daily Devotional blog site


Matthew’s gospel is arranged in five major sections. The data that Matthew uses from the life of Jesus is packed into these five sections. Each of the five sections has an A part and a B part. The A parts contains material setting forth things Jesus did while the B parts contain long discourses.  This is Matthew’s way of  ‘enfleshing’ the Word that is Jesus. Mark, Luke and John do not use this arrangement. The shape, order and sequence of the material in each of the four gospels reflect the fact that reports of  the works and words of Jesus have come to us through the church differently, in varying contexts, meeting unique circumstances. 

God has chosen to make Himself known in and through the messiness of history, of real events, becoming part of the story. The God of the Bible is no spiritualized ghost. How else could God come so near, be so close to us? For that, after all, is the great narrative of our faith. God is with us. This kind of retail, material sort of stuff puts off some people, even some Christian people. It’s not spiritual enough.

But God does not send us on an ethereal quest into the spiritual unknown in order to know Him. The Word of God is never disembodied. The Word of God was incarnate in the grace and grit of the man Jesus. That same Word comes, is embedded in paper and ink, gospel speech, church tradition, information, data, splashy baptismal water, the spongy bread and so-so wine of the Lord’s Supper. The Christian narrative is about the down-to-earth God keeping it real – for us.


“May the peace of God that passes all understanding keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus our Lord.”




Thank you, Pastor Mark.


What is the main result of The Holy Spirit’s coming?



Pentecost is a good time to learn about what the Holy Spirit’s role is in all of this. And what is our role when it comes to the Spirit? What is the main result of the Holy Spirit’s coming? Where does the Spirit fit in with regard to your vocation?


Here’s Pastor Mark’s sermon for Pentecost Sunday, 2013:






Thank you, Pastor Mark Anderson.


And thanks to flickr and Waiting For The Word, for the photo.


John’s Gospel “for Dummies”



Part 5 of Pastor Mark’s Bible study of the Gospel of John:






Thank you, Pastor Mark.


And thanks to flickr and Market One Media, for the photo.







The single biggest troublemaker in churches

Mary Jo__

Are you ready for this one?


It’ll take all of about 2 minutes to hear it. But the hard part (for many) will be realizing that it is true. 


audio clip 




Thank you, Pastor Mark.


And thanks to flickr and Mary Jo, for the photo.


Breathing in God



Because Jesus breathed in the air of God with every breath…and because Jesus has ascended…now you are breathing in the air of God with every breath.







Thank you, Pastor


And thanks also to flickr and www.AlastairHumphreys.com, for the photo.



Have trouble discerning law and gospel?


Join the club.


These may help  

Bible study 1                              Bible study 7

Bible study 2                              Bible study 8

Bible study 3                              Bible study 9

Bible study 4                             

Bible study 5

Bible study 6

and they are in easy to digest bites.





Thank you, Pastor Mark.


And thanks to flickr and makin_bacon, for the photo.








The Gospel of John Bible Study (part 4)



Here’s part 4 of the Gospel of John Bible Study that Pastor Mark has been teaching the past month or so. This one deals with the first three signs. And there’s a very good question near the end of the class on why Jesus tells the man who He just healed in the Pool of Siloam, “Go and sin no more, lest something worse befall you.”






Thank you, Pastor Mark.


And thanks to flickr and Tita Abbott, for the photo.









“When Believing is Hard”


“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.”






Thank you, Pastor Mark Anderson.


And thanks to flickr and debaird, for the photo.



Gospel of John (part 3) – ‘miracles’…or ‘signs’?



Pastor Mark’s class on the Gospel of John (part 3):





Thank you, Pastor Mark.


And thanks to flickr and Zo187, for the photo.









