When an infant of a believer dies before it can be baptized.

Baptized (276 of 365)


This is the wrap up to the pastor’s class that Pastor Mark gave not very long ago.

Someone asked about the baby of a believer that dies before it was baptized:


  click > A baby dies before it can be baptized

          (about 5 min.)



Thanks, Pastor Mark.


And thanks to flickr and rimblas, for the photo.








“When Holiness and sin collide”



   * Pastor’s class 8-25-13 (part 2)


 Listen > When Holiness and sin collide  (about 20 min.)




Thanks, Pastor Mark.


And thanks to flickr and Livingstudios, for the photo.










“When it comes to God, nothing is in our hands”



A portion of Pastor Mark’s class this past Sunday. He dealt with “free-will”, faith, and manipulating God to fit in with how “we do things”, down here.


– – –17 min.


…or the downloadable file:


click > Pastor’s class 8-25-13




Thank you, Pastor Mark.


And thanks to flickr, and zenitmanaic, for the photo.



Taking yourself outside the grace of God. Little by little.



Just add a little bit of what you do, or what you have done. That’s all it will take to set you outside the bounds of the grace of God and put you back into the realm of the law.


Is that serious?   St. Paul thought so.  Very serious.



 downloadable ( I think) >   Adding just a little bit




Thanks, Pastor Mark.


And thanks also to flickr and Eline Klaastad, for the photo.



Baptism and “Free-Will”


Pastor Mark teaches on the sacramentarian view, the sacramental view, and the symbolic view of Baptism.

“Free-will”, also enters into the class.





We’ve put this one up before, but there are some new folks to the blog and this one should not be missed.




Thanks again, Pastor Mark.


And thanks to flickr and St._Matts, for the photo.



Trying to “dial us in” on just who Jesus is.


Listen up.

Good stuff here. And it won’t break the bank as far as your valuable time is concerned (only 18 minutes).  


  > The Gospel of John Chapter 4





Thank you,Pastor Mark.


And thanks to flickr and Inspirational.Images, for the photo.


The Gospel of John Bible Study (part 4)



Here’s part 4 of the Gospel of John Bible Study that Pastor Mark has been teaching the past month or so. This one deals with the first three signs. And there’s a very good question near the end of the class on why Jesus tells the man who He just healed in the Pool of Siloam, “Go and sin no more, lest something worse befall you.”






Thank you, Pastor Mark.


And thanks to flickr and Tita Abbott, for the photo.









Gospel of John (part 3) – ‘miracles’…or ‘signs’?



Pastor Mark’s class on the Gospel of John (part 3):





Thank you, Pastor Mark.


And thanks to flickr and Zo187, for the photo.











Pastor’s class – The Gospel of John (part 2)



 Listen >The gospel of John (part 2)







Thank you, Pastor Mark.


And thank you to flickr and Lawrence OP, for the photo.


“The Ten Commandments Do Not Apply to Christians”



That statement might pique somebody’s interest. 



Pastor Mark comments on portions of Gerhard Forde’s book, “Where God Meets Man”


click here >  What the law intends






Thanks, Pastor Mark.


And thanks to flickr and Connie Sue2, for the photo.








