The Indictment

The Theology of the Cross in a 16 min. portion of Pastor Mark’s class:

Listen > The Indictment of the Cross

 or …> The Indictment

If you don’t listen to this one you’ll probably get gum stuck to your shoe sometime before Christmas. (by the way…I just employed the Theology of Glory)


Thanks, Pastor Mark.

Thanks to, for the photo.





2 Responses

  1. it seems this one cannot be downloaded (although it can be listened to)

    hope all well


    >________________________________ > From: The Old Adam Lives! >To: >Sent: Sunday, 28 September 2014, 3:08 >Subject: [New post] The Indictment of the Cross > > > > >theoldadam posted: “The Theology of the Cross in a 15 min. portion of Pastor Mark’s class: – Listen > The Indictment of the Cross – If you don’t listen to this one you’ll probably get gum stuck to your shoe sometime before Christmas. – ______________________” >

  2. Hello Richard.

    Not sure why it can’t be downloaded. I’ll try putting it up in another form.

    Doing well. Hope you are , as well.

    – Steve

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