Pastor Mark’s class on the Bible…and other good stuff



How to make reading the Bible easier (a suggestion).  How fundamentalists and liberals view the Bible. Steve Paulson’s book. “Free-will” as being the instrument of God’s wrath. And other interesting discussions.


Hear > The Bible and other good stuff




Thank you, Pastor Mark.


Thanks also to flicker and ckpicker, for the photo.


“Lutheranism is basically a commentary on the Book of Romans”



What’s it all about? The gospel? The Christian life?

What is the crux of all this Christian preaching and teaching stuff?

Listen in to Pastor Mark’s latest class:


>  Lutheranism is a commentary on Romans




Thank you, Pastor Mark.


And thanks to flickr and Missional Volunteer, for the photo.






‘Baptism and The Lord’s Supper’- class is in session


Yes, Virginia, Christ is present in that tankard of beer.


Of course there are a few side topics…but it’s all related.


  class on > Baptism and The Lord’s Supper


“God is the ultimate tough lover.”

 That one by Pastor Mark, really stuck with me.





Thank you, Pastor Mark.


Thanks, also, to flickr and ndrwfgg, for the photo.



World Religions and Jesus Christ



“Is Jesus the only way?” (part 1)


Session #4 of Pastor Mark’s 10 part series, “Christ, Our Life”:


Listen > “Is Jesus the Only Way? (part 1)




Thanks, Pastor Mark.


And thanks to flickr and Sky Schemer, for the photo.






Part 2 of “The Core of the Problem – What’s Gone Wrong”




Here’s the second part of the class:


 Listen to > The Core of the Problem – part 2



Thank you, Pastor Mark.


Thanks also to flickr and Dunstan, for the photo.









I received another notice stating that some visitors to this blog may see ads. I do not know what they are nor do I endorse or approve any such ads. My apologies to those of you who do see them.


The Core of the Problem – What’s Gone Wrong? (Sin and Evil)



Class #3 of Pastor Mark’s Fall teaching series 2013, “Christ our Life”.


What’s gone wrong?”


Listen and find out > The Core of the Problem  


Pastor Mark will wrap up this class (#3) at the beginning of class #4, next week)




Thanks, Pastor Mark.


And thank you to flickr, and ONE Convention, for the photo.


God and Creation: How do they relate?



Here’s class #2 of Pastor Mark’s 10 part series:


 Listen to  God and Creation: How do they relate?




Thank you, Pastor Mark.


And thanks to flickr and chipstick1973, for the photo.


















“The Doctrine of God” – class #1 in the 10 part Fall teaching series


Here’s class #1 of Pastor Mark’s 10 part series (outlined a couple of posts back) :


 class #1 – ‘The Doctrine of God’


Share it with someone whom you think might be the least likely to be interested. Why? Because I think God enjoys the ‘hard cases’.  Look at St. Paul.  Or…better yet, look at yourself!




Thank you, Pastor Mark.

And thanks to flickr and kccuk, for the photo.












“Daring to live with a ‘Resurrection Perspective’ “



Here’s the second part to the last posted pastor’s class given by Pastor Mark;


 Listen here > A Resurrection Perspective


It could make you a bit uncomfortable.  I hope it does.  It did me.


But then it made me quite hopeful…joyful even. Whatever It does to you, hopefully it will last a lot longer than the 16 min. class.




Thanks again, Pastor Mark!


And thanks to flickr and Humanoide, for the photo.








How can you know if someone has faith? Or if you have it?

Question Mark


This is part 1 of Pastor Mark’s class from Sept.1, 2013.


Well worth a listen if you can spare the 30 min. (even if you can’t spare it … especially if you can’t spare it)


click >  How do you know faith is real?  (part 1)




Thank you, Pastor Mark.


And thanks to flickr and Doug Caldwell, for the photo.







If you ever see ads on my blog, it is because WordPress put them there. I have nothing to do with it and wish they would not do it. 

The ads are not visible to me, but only to some visitors.

I’m sorry for any distraction.

Thank you.

– Steve (the Old Adam)

